Monday morning blues….

Sundays…..a day of rest – at least that is what I aim for. Yesterday – I seemed to do just that. My mom always made sure that Sunday evenings were set aside and devoted to planning and prepping for the week. As an adult, I still do this. I feel incomplete if I am not at home by 6ish prepping and planning for things that may lay ahead. Grandma status…I know – but this makes me feel prepared and ready for a successful week. Meal prep – mental prep – whatever it is that will help me make the week easier.

I write things down *in different places* fifty.thousand.times. and then check it again to make sure I’ve got everything in order. I am a planner and try to keep everything on task and in order. Today – Monday – I failed miserably – ย and you may ask why… because I spent time planning and prepping for this week – like always. Well – the truth is – I didn’t make my bed. Something that I do every morning. Something that is such a minimal task, most don’t think about doing because they just get back in it hours later but I know that if I complete that small task first thing, it sets the standard to complete larger tasks throughout the day. And because I didn’t make my bed – I felt off all day – felt defeated and blue. And all of this RAIN.hail.tornado warningsย didn’t help. Lord I am so thankful – because I haven’t had to water all of my plants, but being stuck inside when I am an outdoor person is like taking away my papermate (R) pencils that I love so much that write all of my obsessive lists.

SO – here is to getting into a messy bed – or I may make it so I can turn down a freshly made be to sleep tonight and ย getting it right again tomorrow!

Thanks for listening!


It’s finally Friday

This week has felt incredibly long because of the much needed rain. But I am so happy to see the sun peak through the clouds – if only for a couple of hours AND be able to relax for the weekend in my comfies. hahaha literally laughing as I type this because there is house work and endless yard work…. one can dream!

One thing I will reflect on today and this weekend is from Joyce Meyer.

She says, ” you can’t have faith and a bad attitude and expect God to help you”….

Ouch! So many times I say “why me?” But really I should say Help me! ย So…my goal for this weekend is to improve my attitude towards everything – because let’s face it a positive attitude and a positive mind will get you so much farther, correct?

Have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ€

Am I a “workaholic”?

Do I work long hours and take few breaks? Yes. Does this damage productivity? Yes. Why still do it?? To keep my numbers up.

A few tips that have helped me in my 9 hours of sitting a day in no particular order:

  1. Schedule break time. I have silent alarms set on my Fitbit to get up and walk around. This has helped not only with my step count but reducing unhealthy stress placed on your spine for sitting in long periods.
  2. Leaving your work area when taking a break. Walk to the drink machine to check a text message or make a call. Stretch your legs. It helps!ย 
  3. Check your need for exercise. 30 minutes of cardio – daily. So walking outside in intervals of as little as 10 minutes can increase productivity AND help your heart. ๐Ÿ’œ
  4. Plan your breaks based on what benefits you. I like to work when it’s quiet – so a later lunch works best so I can get work done when everyone else is at lunch, etc.
  5. Stretching at your desk can improve concentration – I’ve even done a few secretly to hide from the guy who sits behind me. (Lol)
  6. Eating healthy snacks instead of large meals ( to provide steady energy) Thanks to my pal, Ashley for the motivation and Daniel for the encouragement….oh and Netflix for the documentaries.

And walking whenever I can. It’s an everyday challenge to stay healthy while you work. Other things such as meditation, deep breathing and a motivational talk every once in a while helps.

Keep on keeping on ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ€

Bring on the rainย 

Recently – I’ve been trying to shed a few (30 to be exact) pounds that I have put on. So setting my alarm clock for bright and early to get some exercise before work seemed doable – but I woke up every hour on the hour so I wouldn’t be late for my morning jog with Copper. I take both dogs out, change clothes and check my weather app….nothing. Check the second app – nothing – so Copper(my mini horse) and I start the trek around the big block. We get just over a quarter of a mile away from home and boom the bottom falls out. No turning back now – we were committed! โ˜”๏ธ His four legs to my two – well needless to say we made it back soaked and our hair is still drying out as I write this. Should have listened to Cam(my yorkie) when he told me to come back to bed. The rain is gone (temporarily), the birds are chirping and I feel refreshed for the day so a little rain wasn’t so bad after all. ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ€

April showers bring May flowers!


Hey Hi Hello

so….first post. Ever. I first gained interest in blogs when my co-worker and friend was talking me through a way to use my talents and passion. And I still don’t know exactly where to begin and – if there will ever be an audience – but I would like to blog about life and my hilariously eventful experiences and my passion for that AND skin care. So here goes nothing! Cheers! ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽ€

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